We are all one

We are all one
Jennifer Varenchik

Thursday, June 12, 2014


It wasn't that long ago I sat on a friend's couch and she told me how her friend was always going on dates because of "Tinder". That she was out there meeting people and having a ball. I interrupted her and was like,"What's Tinder?"  She then pulled out her phone and showed me.

If you don't know, it's a dating app.  It kind of operates like a deck of cards.  A picture shows up, if you like what you see, you swipe right.  If not, swipe left.  If you need more info, tap to show what Facebook things you have in common, even if you have any friends in common.  If the person has seen your picture, and they swiped right, too, then you get a special screen that says, "It's a Match!" and you are encouraged to connect through Tinder's IM.

I instantly downloaded Tinder and started swiping right and left.  It was fun!  Especially when someone liked me,too!  It became my new past time.  I even went on a few dates, I was having a ball!

And then it happened.

It was a Match!

It started with texting on Tinder, then texting on our phones.  Then pic exchanging, then a set time and date to meet.  After that first meeting, we agreed we wanted to spend more time together.  He actually wanted to take me out to dinner that night, but I already had plans.

Our first official date was magical.  We went to Pot on The Line Hotel so we could experience Roy Choi's creation.  It was good!  Then we went to go see Godzilla, which I was very happy with, since none of my friends wanted to go see it with me.  He didn't mind that I have a thing for end of the world, monster, civilization crumbling, summer blockbuster movies.  I was happy to be seeing Godzilla with someone who wanted to see it, not dragged to it.

After that, it has been a whirlwind of texts, flowers being sent, dinners, walks, talks and laughter. It's been about a month.  Let's see where this goes.  I'm cautious, but open.  I'm happy, but don't want to get captured in a bubble.  And I'm not about to change my Facebook status, at least not yet.  I did, however, deactivate my Tinder account.  

Thank you Tinder!  Thank you un-named friend who shared with me the latest in dating technology, and of course thank you Universe!

Summer 2014 looks good :)

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